Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Open Source Quran

while im googling around,i've found this site guide u on how to install Zekr - a Quran researching tool.

A Qur'an As Unique As Your Linux

check this out on details about install zerk in ubuntu

Monday, July 7, 2008

iwl3945 - 2.6.24-19 kernel

ive upgrade to 2.6.24-19 and my intel 3945 wireless suddenly did not work.
try this:

sudo apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-19-generic

and restart. gud luck

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ganymede with PHP

im just converted from europa tp ganymede. unfortunately by this time ganymede did not support current version of PDT for php. the best thing is u still can install it using a simple tweak.
(by assuming u've already successfully installed ur own ganymede)

1. Download the latest PDT 1.1 build. Unzip it.

2. Start eclipse update manager:

Help > Software Updates... > Available Software
Add Site... > add the Ganymede Update site (if not already listed):

Add Site... > Local > add ur local unpacked folder: ~/eclipse/org.eclipse.php_feature-N20080623

Select the PDT Feature


3. restart ur eclipse when the installation finished.

enjoice php enabled ganymede !

set up java things in ubuntu


No need to argue, just use 'apt-get' things :

sudo apt-get update

for java 5

sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-jdk

for java 6

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk

verify ur installation

java -version

java version "1.6.0_06"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 10.0-b22, mixed mode)

to list all ur java installed

sudo update-java-alternatives -l

java-1.5.0-sun 53 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun
java-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

to change ur default java

sudo update-alternatives --config java


edit this file

sudo vi /etc/environment

add line

# java 5
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun

# java 6
#export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

# tomcat 5
export CATALINA_HOME=/data/java/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.18

save ur file and logout

check ur env with

env | grep JAVA_HOME
env | grep CATALINA_HOME

Friday, July 4, 2008

Eclipse Europa crash with Firefox 3.0

After i've updated my browser to Firefox 3.0, my Eclipse Europa 3.3.2 crashed and give errors:

No more handles (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-mozilla-gtk-3349 or
swt-mozilla-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file)
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.create(

everytime i tried to open *.jsp using Amateras plugin.

SOLVED it by installing xulrunner:

sudo apt-get install xulrunner

it will takes 23MB from ur disk. Restart ur eclipse. SOLVED

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Last june, i've attended 2 weeks induction at sungai petani, kedah.
Hurm, quite lazy to write a thousand words right now.
So i've changed it with pictures - that worth a thousand words too..hehehe

Enjoy my thousand words :D

pic #1 desc: some applicant was caught 'resting' during lecture time

pic #2 desc: new idea + invention was created to cure 'resting' phenomenas

pic #3 desc: yeay now we are safe. camouflage 'resting' :D

pic #4 desc: the good old /*days*/ school bus day - cave explorer

Sunday, June 8, 2008

UDP Flood perl script

Have u ever wonder how your network devices(s) behavior in stress state?
Try follow this simple steps to make UDP Flood :

1. touch /tmp/
2. chmod +x /tmp/
3. copy & paste this to ur script :


# udp flood.

use Socket;
use strict;

if ($#ARGV != 3) {
print "

Fedora 9 Sulphur is out now

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project. The Fedora Project is open and anyone is welcome to join.

The Fedora Project is out front for you, leading the advancement of free, open software and content.

get it Here
more info about F9 Here

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Migration or Migraine-tion

This is my 5th day living and computing and typing and mouse-ing and scrolling and rebooting and retrying and retrying and rebooting and retrying and rebooting and scratching my head just because my migration OR migraine-tion process into ubuntu world with my T60 Thinkpad. Arghhh...!!!

Briefly, this is what i've successfully done :

1. Installed Ubuntu 8.04 LTS with 2.6.24-16-generic kernel ( ofcourse la..hehe :"> )
2. intel 3945 wireless LED
3. my trackpoint speed + sensitivity
4. trackpoint middle button scrolling
5. eclipse IDE
6. Apache 4, 5
7. Tomcat 4, 5
8. mysql
9. php
10. finger print reader
11. fn + keys functions
12. thinkpad hard disk active protection system (hdps)
13. tp_smpi
14. IE6 inside wine
15. windows xp inside qemu *
16. compiz-fushion *WOW
17. etc etc...

* my qemu installation process running without any problem until i realize that my intel T5500 processor is the only T5*** series that not support virtualization technology !!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
no wonder when i boot my winxp inside qemu the process a little big big big BIG BIG PIG PIG slowwww...the word F again repeatedlyyyyy..huhuhuhuhu

my window$ installation process inside qemu (memory remains....)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

mount win2k ntfs

This is my documented on how to mount networked win2k shared folder using linux.
In my case i'm using centos5.

On your linux box, as root :

create a mountpoint for your windows

mkdir /mnt/win2k

change owner/permission to your mountpoint

chmod 777 /mnt/win2k

mount your desired win2k folder to your mountpoint

mount -t cifs -o username=[win2k user], password=[win2k passwd], workgroup=[win2k workgroup] //[win2k ip or hostname] /mnt/win2k --verbose

Just change the [in bracket arg] with your own.

Hepi mounting :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Linux tape backup with mt and tar command - howto

Magnetic tape is a non-volatile storage medium consisting of a magnetic coating on a thin plastic strip. Nearly all recording tape is of this type, whether used for video, audio storage or general purpose digital data storage using a computer.

Linux (and other Unixish system) use mt command to control magnetic tape drive operation. You need to use mt command while working with tape drive. It allows you to reading and writing to tape.

The default tape drive under Linux is /dev/st0 (first SCSI tape device name). You can read more about tape drives naming convention used under Linux here. Following paragraph summaries command you need to use control tape drive for backup/restore purpose.

Rewind tape drive:
# mt -f /dev/st0 rewind

Backup directory /www and /home with tar command (z - compressed):
# tar -czf /dev/st0 /www /home

Find out what block you are at with mt command:
# mt -f /dev/st0 tell

Display list of files on tape drive:
# tar -tzf /dev/st0

Restore /www directory:
# cd /
# mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
# tar -xzf /dev/st0 www

Unload the tape:
# mt -f /dev/st0 offline

Display status information about the tape unit:
# mt -f /dev/st0 status

Erase the tape:
# mt -f /dev/st0 erase

You can go BACKWARD or FORWARD on tape with mt command itself:

(a) Go to end of data:
# mt -f /dev/nst0 eod

(b) Goto previous record:
# mt -f /dev/nst0 bsfm 1

(c) Forward record:
# mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf 1

* Replace /dev/st0 with your actual tape drive name.